Download Logo Pack

Get the most up-to-date versions of our logo files for use on social media, print, and the web.

Logo Background Colors

In the Logo Pack we have several variations of the logo that can be used over a variety of background colors.

  • Use the standard logo on white, or light-colored, backgrounds.
  • Use the "on dark background" version over black, or dark-colored, backgrounds.
  • Alternatively there are black, white, and grayscale single-color versions of the logo for special cases. Please select the version that provides the best visibility.

Spacing & Scale

The area surrounding the new identity should maintain a space of at least one-half of the total height of the entire logo in negative space around the logo at all times. This prevents any other design elements from becoming confused with the mark and type or from being mistaken as part of the intended identity.

Incorrect Logo Usage

Consistency and quality are important to our brand. Please do not make any modifications to the logo such as adding text effects, drop shadows, etc.

Do not rotate the logo

Do not skew or distort the logo

Do not add drop shadows

Do not use colors outside of our color palette

Do not resize elements

Do not rearrange the logo

Brand Colors

While our brand colors are easily described as "blue, orange, and gray", in order to maintain consistency and professionalism please use only these specific color codes. Do not choose alternative blues, oranges, or grays.


Hex: #00a0df
CMYK: 74 / 21 / 0 / 0
RGB: 0 / 160 / 223


Hex: #f5a800
CMYK: 2 / 38 / 100 / 0
RGB: 245 / 16 / 0


Hex: #898a8d
CMYK: 49 / 40 / 38 / 4
RGB: 137 / 138 / 141

75% 50% 25% 75% 50% 25% 75% 50% 25%

Social Media & Profile Images

It is a common mistake for our logo to appear vertically off-centered when uploaded to social media accounts or similar profiles.

The easiest way to avoid this is to use the Social Media "circle logo" from our logo pack.


We use a combination of two fonts as our "company fonts". Please refrain from using anything besides these.


Signika is commonly used for headers and shorter amounts of text displayed at larger sizes.

Download here:



Roboto is commonly used for paragraphs and larger amounts of text displayed at medium- to smaller-sizes.

Download here:
